A windows bilingual personal Income Tax preparation software for Canadians.
StudioTax covers the overwhelming range of personal income tax scenarios from simple tax returns to more involved returns for self-employed, returns with rental income and everything in between.
StudioTax is a windows bilingual personal Income Tax preparation software made by Canadians for Canadians. StudioTax is distributed using a free licensing model. No license key or registration is required to download, install and use StudioTax.
StudioTax 2009 is the current year version to prepare and file your 2009 (due by April 30, 2010) income tax return. StudioTax 2009 and prior versions are only available for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
As always, StudioTax is made available FREE for personal use and regardless of level of income. NO questions asked, NO registration, NO key, and NO activation. StudioTax is very secure; it installs on your computer's local hard drive, saves your return on your computer's local hard drive, and absolutely NO information, personal or otherwise, leaves your computer.